


Yoga is an ancient physical and spiritual...

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Meditation is a practice where an individual...

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Acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine...

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Ayurveda is the ancient medical science that...

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Music Therapy

Music Therapy

music therapy supports its effectiveness in...

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Pranayama is the practice of breath control in...

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Homeopathy or homoeopathy is a...

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Naturopathy is a system of health care which...

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Diet & Nutrition

Diet & Nutrition

In nutrition, diet is the sum of food consumed...

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What is yoga?

Yoga has recently become very popular in the modern worlds looking at it as a wellness trend. But there is more to yoga than just controlling your breath and body postures. It is about concentrating the energies of your mind body and soul and uniting them to create self-awareness.


Yoga has its roots in ancient India and is considered to be scripted in 4th century by Rishi Patanjali as a part of Sanatan Dharma and was later influenced by several schools of thoughts such as Buddhism Jainism etc.


Besides India, Yoga is immensely favoured in western culture as well due to its recognised health benefits. It widely affects the nerves system and functioning of body. It makes one’s body flexible, agile and strengthens the frame. It is also helpful in reducing stress and stress related diseases. Regular practice of yoga can have life changing impacts on your body and mind.


There are several disciplines of yoga that can be classified based on its forms and application. Such as Ashtang yoga Haath Yoga Bikram Yog Iyengar yoga etc.



Meditation is the act of focusing one’s mind and controlling the thought process. Ideally, meditation is practised post physical yoga practise to calm the mind and relax the body that is stretched and exerted during yoga. Meditation can even be performed when one is not practicing yoga as it can reduce stress and anxiety.

The principles of practice vary within and between several religious traditions. Today meditation is used not just for mental peace but can also help in reduction of stress anxiety and to overcome depression. An ideal atmosphere is required to meditate effectively such as a clean and clear well-lit space, a peaceful environment without any disturbance or interruption.

Hence many times people practice meditation in religious places or place of worship within the house. Religiously meditation is practiced using rosaries and chanting mantras repetitively. But in modern spiritual practice, meditation through music, light and other props are also used.



Acupuncture is a form of Alternative medicine in which thin needles are inserted in the body, under the supervision of an authorized practitioner.

It is generally used with other alternative medicines mostly to relieve physical pain and also several psychological conditions such as stress, anxiety, insomnia etc.



Ayurveda is the ancient medical science that originated in India over 5000 years ago. This Medical practice treats several diseases by using traditional herbal medicines and combinations of herbs that are naturally available and grown in India. It may, at times, also include minerals, metals and other natural derivatives.

Ayurvedic medicines are also favoured as they have least side effects. Ayurveda believes that our wellbeing depends on a delicate balance between the body, mind and soul. If this balance is disturbed due to any reason, internal or external, we fall sick. Hence Ayurveda focuses on promoting good health by maintaining the balance and avoiding illness. Yet it is found to be highly effective in curing some basic illnesses that are considered as home remedies in India.

Ayurveda’s main principle is that the human body is made up of 5 basic elements found in nature i.e., Water, Earth, Fire, Air and Space. The body functions are controlled by a combination of these elements. Vata dosha (space and air); Pitta dosha (fire and water); and Kapha dosha (water and earth).

There are different levels of inheritance of these traits in each human being that indicate the diseases and its treatments that can be required. Ayurveda is a holistic treatment system that treats that whole body by combining healthy diet, massages and medicinal herbs and concoctions.

Music Therapy


Sound is a form of energy and this cannot be explained any better than music therapy. Music therapy is used to improve the quality of treatment and its result in various medical procedures. Music therapy is used in treatments of several ailments of neurological kind as well as psychological.

It has also proved useful in improving the fine motor skills in young children with autism. Given the universal nature of music the patient finds it easier to relate with music all across the world. There are two fundamental types of music therapy: receptive music therapy and active music therapy (also known as expressive music therapy).

Active music therapy engages clients or patients in the act of making vocal or instrumental music, whereas receptive music therapy guides patients or clients in listening to live or recorded music.



Pranayam refers to controlled breathing during Yoga in between the poses and exercise to maximize the flow of life energy in the body. Pranayam is also an important part of Meditation as it becomes the first step to focus one’s mind and concentrate the energy within us.

There are several different forms of Pranayam that are practiced as individual exercises and have several physical and emotional benefits. Pranayam helps in improving the digestive system and metabolism to help lose fat. It makes lungs stronger as it requires holding and controlling breath.

It also helps in detoxifying the body and improving skin quality. It also helps in maintaining concentration and treating sleep disorders. It also helps in increasing the grey matter of the brain.



Homeopathy medicine is an alternative medicine science that believes “Like Cures Like”, meaning that the body can cure itself. A combination of naturally sourced or processed materials are combined and diluted to create a homogeneous substance where individual molecules are not identified.

It proposes that a substance that creates symptoms in a healthy person can cure the same symptoms in the is the second largest system of medicines used in the world.



Naturopathy is a mode of treatment promotes the body's self-healing mechanism. This method includes several forms of alternative medicines such as Ayurveda, Herbal treatments exercise along with Diet and nutrition.

The practitioners have the same basic degree as a physician but have additional training in nutrition psychology and complimentary training in Ayurveda homeopathy etc. They believe in not only curing the symptoms but also the root cause of it.

Hence, combinations of various medical systems are implemented to treat a person. A thorough consultation is conducted before offering a remedy to the patient.

Diet & Nutrition


Several diseases have their roots in food that we consume on a daily basis. Lack of nutrition and balanced diet can cause several fatal diseases.

Hence it becomes essential to follow a proper diet that can fulfil the requirement of the body. Ideally a proper diet and nutrition plan includes specifically defined and designed meals proportion with a combination of food.